Devansh Panirwala's Resume on the Web

About Me

Hello there!

I'm Devansh Panirwala (call me Dave) and I am currently a senior student in Computer Science major in Purdue University. My main concentration is Systems and Security. I made this website to understand how web-development works and I think I am doing a pretty good job for a beginner.

Enough about the website, let's talk about me. I mostly enjoy doing back-end stuff like designing server architecture, optimization, security, etc. Right now I would call myself a full-stack developer but I have yet to learn a lot about web development before claiming that accolade.

What I like about software development is how multiple technologies come together and work towards a common goal to satisfy the requirements of a user. When thinking about it, different people might compare the development cycle and architecture to many analogies they have experienced in their life. This abstraction on multiple layers helps bring people from all over the world with different ethnicity together to make other people's lives better. I got in Computer Science so I could help as many people as I can with innovative solutions and improve everyone's life.

In my spare time, I usually like to exchange ideas with people from diverse backgrounds about current issues happening around the world and discuss how new technologies can solve these issues. Recently I have been teaching myself to cook as I find it very therapeutic when I get overwhelmed with things around me. Strangely enough, I cannot stop thinking about how similar cooking is to development.

The purpose of this website is to learn about various technologies and showcase the work I have done till now (2 birds with a stone :P). Send a mail to if you need to get into contact or need my help for anything! :)

Purdue CS URA
(May '20 - Present)
Undergraduate Research Assistant
West Lafayette, Indianna, US
Specialized in: Python
Purdue University
(May '19 - Aug '19)
Software Engineer Intern
West Lafayette, Indianna, US
Specialized in: ASP .NET, reactJS, C#, MVC
Purdue University
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science
(2017 - 2021)
Delhi Public School, Doha, Qatar
High School, CBSE
(2007 - 2017)
Web Design & Development
Database Management System
Machine Learning & Data Mining
Languages and Tools
(C/C++/C#/Dockers/ARM/Flex & Bison)
Screen Share
Screen Share

A simple Server/Client implementation of a screen sharing application done with Python3 which uses TCP and UDP protocol for data transfer.

#opensource#python#TCP#UDP#network protocols

Happening Place
Happening Place

Happening Place is an app which allows you to effectively host events by allowing multiple members to simultaneously plan for a single event without any hassle. It also allows users to find relevant events around them.


Gatsby Portfolio
Gatsby Portfolio

Online portfolio made using GatsbyJS


HTTP Webserver
HTTP Webserver

Simple HTTP Server implemented in both pyhton3 and C++ and allows multiple clients to retrieve information from server. Uses TCP protocol.

#opensource#networks#C++#python3#TCP protocol

WOTbot (ongoing)
WOTbot (ongoing)

A discord bot that allows users to check their profile in multiple games and also help them match-make with currently-online players (ongoing).


Boiler Out Volunteer Program

Volunteered in & around Lafayette Area for over two years